National Food Strategy Call For Evidence

Reinforcing the need for resourced local food partnerships in every local area.

The SFC team is in dialogue with the National Food Strategy team and Defra and making the case for the SFC Network to have a substantial part to play in informing the development of the National Food Strategy. We received the view from Defra that they would very much value the responses of local food partnerships so we really encourage you to make a submission, there is strength in numbers!

The consultation is open until 25th October. Responses are limited to 1,000 words but this doesn’t include supporting evidence. They are looking for evidence – good ideas and solutions that can be scaled up (not principles or what is wrong or right with our food system). This can be anything, from policies to practical projects, that is making a difference to communities and transforming the food system.

It would be useful if in your submission you can express support to the idea that every local area should have an adequately resourced food partnership and the role of your local food partnership in whatever solution you are then putting forward in your submission.

Also mention if you would like to host a public consultation in your local area or a visit to an innovative project. The National Food Strategy team is planning ‘town hall meetings’ and ‘public consultation meetings’ around the country and it would help if offers came from the SFC Network.

How do I respond?
You can respond by following this link here. More information on the Call for Evidence is available on and on the website.

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