12th May 2017
Sustainable Food Cities and Sustain jointly organised this webinar which took place on Friday 12th May 2017. Attendees were able to hear from and ask questions on how Council’s Local Plans impact on the creation of new food growing spaces. Hull Food Partnership explained how they went about getting a food growing policy in their local plan. The webinar also included a case study of a new development in Leeds and you will hear how having a policy in Kensington and Chelsea helps the parks service find space for growing.
Unfortunately, due to a technical problem on the webinar platform we were not able to retrieve the recording for this webinar. However, a detailed summary of the content of each presentation has been pulled together by Gillian Morgan and offers a huge wealth of information (please see below).
Chair: Ben Reynolds, Sustain
Speakers: Alizee Marceau, Sustainable Food Cities; Hilary Hamer, Food4Hull; Gillian Morgan and Leah Lazer, Sustain