Food Newcastle

Food Newcastle is a partnership of businesses, organisations and individuals with a passion, interest or remit around various aspects of good food. We are an independent non-profit movement that, through our expanding partnership, provides awareness encouraging others to share information and take action to create a healthier food culture in Newcastle upon Tyne whilst helping protect our planet.

Food Newcastle aims to become a sustainable food city by building networks, connecting with others and promoting good sustainable food to improve the quality of lives in Newcastle upon Tyne. 

‘Good Food’ underpins the quality of people’s lives in Newcastle. Not only is it essential to our survival but the way we eat it, buy it, grow it, transport it, and dispose of it has a profound impact on the city we live in. Food can change the landscape of our city, the strength of our economy, the health and wellbeing of our community, the environment as well as our culture and social lives. Promoting ‘Good Food’ is a powerful driver and must be embraced at the heart of any effort to improve people’s lives.

What we do

We work across six themes which reflect the issues and solutions concerning sustainable food in Newcastle. We are hosted by Newcastle West End Foodbank and work in collaboration with numerous organisations in Newcastle as well as Newcastle City Council.

Some of our latest updates:

Food Redistribution Tool: Newcastle's food waste hub, BIND CIC, have developed a food redistribution tool in collaboration with Newcastle University and Newcastle City Council's climate team. The purpose of the tool is to aid the efficiency of the redistribution of surplus food in Newcastle to reduce food waste.

Newcastle West End Foodbank Collaborate with Your Local Pantry: A new pantry in Blakelaw, Newcastle, enables members of the community to purchase their weekly shop including fresh fruit, vegetables and family favourites to stock up their cupboards and fridges for a small cost of £5. The pantry is part of the Your Local Pantry network and is well placed to help soften the impact of the high cost of living and bring communities together around food. 

Recipe cards: Nourish Food School have been working with FareShare North East to bring to life surplus ingredients that would otherwise be wasted and creating recipes whilst also showing and educating people how to adapt existing recipes to make use of surplus food in place of other ingredients.

Areas of expertise

Partnership & Collaboration

Food Vision & Action Plan

Tackling Food Poverty

Promoting Healthy Eating

Supporting Good Food Business

Tackling Food Packaging & Waste