We started this journey in August 2020, with the idea that we need to re-invent the food system in the Highlands, to make it better for the environment, better for the people working in the sector and better for all of us. It's been wonderful to find so many people agreeing with us!
The Partnership emerged from the Highland Good Food Conference which we held over 5 afternoons in January and February 2021. The conference focused on what we can all do to make things better, and led to a series of project groups looking at topics like:
- establishing a circular food economy;
- introducing a greenhouse growing sector to provide Highland-grown Mediterranean veg;
- bringing food topics into schools;
and lots more. The project groups continue to work away at making these ideas a reality! For more details see the conference page on our website, https://highlandgoodfood.scot/conference/.
Since the conference we've been developing the structures to support these groups, and bringing in partners from the public and private sector. Things we are particularly pleased about are:
- The Highland Council have signed the Glasgow Declaration on Food & Climate;
- We have been appointed by Scotland Food & Drink to act as the Regional Food Group for the Highlands.
And we continue to produce podcasts and blog posts highlighting some of the fantastic things that are already happening in the Highlands. Check out our website for more.