Hartlepool Food Partnership's vision is for healthy, affordable, sustainable food for everyone in Hartlepool.
The Partnership is open to anyone - through attendance at regular Open Forum meetings. Regular newsletters also facilitate input from interested citizens and organisations. The Partnership steering group is responsible for implementing Hartlepool's Food Plan, co-ordination of all activities and monitoring progress & impact. The steering group is responsible for the Open Forums & newsletters and oversees the work of the Partnership co-ordinator.
The Hartlepool Food Partnership emerged from a discussion between Hartlepool's Director of Public Health and a VCS network of low/no cost food providers - the Hartlepool Food Council - which expressed a willingness to develop a food partnership for the town. The Borough Council was very clear that they should not lead the Food Partnership, but contribute as an equal partner to a wider collaboration. Consequently, the Partnership steering group consisted of representatives from voluntary and statutory organisations - which identified stakeholders, organised a whole system launch event, from which the Food Plan was drafted, and secured initial 2 years' funding for coordination, Partnership events and a small grants fund to support new initiatives that align with the Food Plan's goals.
Hartlepool Food Partnership activities so far include: